I Remember

I was sitting at my desk at Enron. When you work on an open trade floor, there are always TVs streaming endless news reports. But there was a particularly terrible story being shared. I was shocked and deeply saddened to see the smoke rising from the building. It was a living nightmare. A plane had somehow lost control and hit that tower.

I called my father to ask him if he had seen the tragedy. As I shared what I was seeing, I watched another plane appear on the screen. The floor had already been fixated on the live report showing the initial horrific crash, but silence instantly took hold only to be followed by a collective gasp as the second plane exploded into the adjacent tower.

I was so young and literally could not comprehend what had just happened. What was happening. I remember saying to my father, “Daddy! Another plane just hit a second building! How in the world could that same accident happen again?” And he then put voice to the obvious reality that I had never imagined as a possibility. “Baby, that was no accident.”

Our country was under attack. Our people were under attack.

We went home almost immediately afterwards. I sat terrified in my apartment until every person I loved had confirmed that they were home, too. I watched the news reports in horror and cried and cried and cried. The fear was palpable and struck me and so many others at a deeply primal level.

It’s been 17 years, but I still feel such raw sadness at those memories. A dear friend lost her brother to that attack, and I always imagine how terrible it must be for her to have to see those stories and images played over and over again each year. Losing your family member is devastating at any point but having them stolen from you out of senseless hate is unimaginable.

I remember her every year. I remember him every year. I remember them every year. All of them. I won’t ever forget them, and I will always honor those who lost their lives trying to save them as well as those who continue to risk and give their lives to keep us safe today.

Cherish your days here, and recognize how immeasurably precious your time is. We must remember those who have gone before us and pray for those who give everything to allow us to live freely.

Those of us who lived through that day will heal, but we will never forget.

My prayers go out to all who are hurting. May you find peace and solace in your wounded hearts.

Much love to you all.


16 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. shalini
    Sep 12, 2018 @ 06:55:29

    Lovely post… No words to say anything…


  2. Anonymous
    Sep 12, 2018 @ 08:01:29

    A lovely remembrance, Jo…


  3. Nicole Rodrigues
    Sep 12, 2018 @ 08:46:26

    Respect. Xoxox jo


  4. José María López
    Sep 12, 2018 @ 08:58:09

    I worked at Nortel Networks in Mexico City at that time. The company was having financial problems already and it just tanked after 9/11. Massive layoffs followed. I just lost a job and it was painful, so I can´t imagine how you Americans lived it since you lost much more than a job.
    Just like last year in Houston floodings and many other places, we witnessed a lot of bravery and solidarity. It is a pitty that we humans need this kind of tragedies to keep together and stop all the stupid non-sense that keeps us apart.


    • Jo Price
      Sep 12, 2018 @ 22:58:21

      I was thinking about that today, too. We can be a terribly divided and belligerent species but man we can really come together when we get hit as a community. I wish that we could find a way to do that without the painful universal intervention. There must be a better way.


  5. snakesinthegrass2014
    Sep 12, 2018 @ 18:18:35

    A very moving post. I lived in Washington, DC at the time of the attacks. I remember walking out of my building and seeing the smoke rise from across the Potomac where the Pentagon had been hit. The subway ride home was surreal, as it was even more so in the following days and weeks. Lest we forget… – Marty


    • Jo Price
      Sep 12, 2018 @ 22:56:17

      Those moments were branded on our hearts. So much of me wishes that I could erase those visions that we all saw in those minutes and in the hours, days and years that followed. The feelings and visuals play like a broken record again and again. I can’t imagine the emotion that you must have felt then or even now at the memory of that sight. I’m thankful that those we lost will never be forgotten. With all of that said, I am thankful that so many of us still carry such deep feelings about what happened because it shows how much every single one of those people did matter. Whether we we knew them or not did not matter. We were united then and still are. Our country certainly has its issues including a deeply sad level of divisiveness from all sides. But when something strikes us and hurts us, we will always have each other’s back and we will always stand together..

      Big hugs to your heart from mine Marty.
      ❤️ Joanna


  6. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Oct 02, 2018 @ 14:22:04

    this has been on the screen since you wrote it – do i get a prize?!!!! yes, certain events are forever branded in our psyches – especially ones as horrid as this. I also remember when katrina redecorated the Gulf Coast btw New Orleans and Alabama. When I saw the first footage on television, I wept and couldn’t stop weeping. we realize how fragile this entire world really is, and that ‘silly stuff’ is just that – silly, and we gain appreciation for having been given another day!


    • Jo Price
      Oct 02, 2018 @ 22:03:34

      Ha! If you do, it might need to be a new screen! Lol. It’s funny that you mentioned Katrina. My father’s side of my family lives in Gulfport on the beach. It looked like a bomb went off. I actually just went back this summer for the first time since right before that storm. It’s still so hard to fathom, but it changed their approach to life, too. The small stuff truly is so unimportant, and every day really is a gift.


      • Playamart - Zeebra Designs
        Oct 05, 2018 @ 14:28:13

        My Aunt Lulu lived at 668 East Beach. Thankfully her time on earth was over way before Katrina, so she didn’t have to witness the devastation.

      • Jo Price
        Oct 05, 2018 @ 23:43:51

        ❤️ I’ll have to ask if my family knew her. It’s a small area and people almost always do. I’m thankful that she didn’t have to see it. It was beyond description.

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